Marc A. Riedl, MD
- Allergist/Immunologist
- Clinical Director, Angioedema Center
- Professor of Medicine
- Hereditary Angioedema Community Endowed Chair in Angioedema Clinical Excellence
If you have asthma, you need the most up-to-date treatment possible, especially if asthma is affecting your quality of life.
Although asthma can't be cured, we can help you control your symptoms with medications and preventive measures.
In order to make a proper diagnosis, your doctor will:
If the results of your spirometry test are negative, additional testing may be needed.
Other diagnostic tests that may help in the initial evaluation include:
We provide thorough, state-of-the-art exercise and lung function testing in our Pulmonary Function and Exercise Lab. In addition to diagnosing lung disease, our testing laboratory also determines oxygen needs to help you manage breathing problems.
Asthma is a disease that usually can be well controlled by taking medications and avoiding irritants, pollutants and allergens that may be making your asthma worse.
You have well-controlled asthma if you:
Our lung specialists follow current asthma guidelines to create a personalized asthma control plan.
A personalized asthma treatment plan can help:
Your personalized asthma control plan is based on the severity of your asthma symptoms. As you gain better control of your asthma (e.g., rate of flare-ups has reduced), your plan will be revised accordingly.
To ensure your therapy is aligned with your current asthma care needs, regular doctor visits are recommended.
Continual monitoring of asthma symptoms is important to maintaining control.
A peak flow meter is a simple, portable device that measures airway flow. Knowing when and how to use your peak flow meter can be helpful in managing symptoms and identifying early signs of an asthma attack.
Even after asthma is well controlled, it is important that you continue to monitor on a regular basis.
Understanding the differences in your medications and knowing how to take them correctly is an important part of managing asthma symptoms.
An asthma treatment plan typically consists of one quick-relief medicine and one or more long-term control medicines.
Medications used to treat asthma fall into two groups: quick-relief and long-term control.
Also known as “rescue” medications, quick-relief medications act quickly to widen the bronchial air passages (bronchodilation) to allow increased airflow in and out of the lungs. They are used during acute asthma attacks and to prevent exercise-induced asthma. The effect of quick-relief medications is immediate and can last up to four to six hours.
In cases of well-controlled asthma, quick-relief medications may be the only medication needed.
The most common quick-relief drug for treating asthma symptoms is short-acting beta-agonists (SABAs).
Long-term control medicines may be necessary to lessen the severity of asthma symptoms and/or reduce the odds of having asthma attacks. Long-term control medicines are taken daily, even when you do not have symptoms. While you may not notice immediate relief, long-term control medicines reduce airway inflammation and keep air passages open.
The most effective control medicine is inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs), as they deliver drugs directly to the airways.
NOTE: You should only use oral corticosteroids under the guidance of a physician. Long-term use of steroids should be avoided if possible because of drug-related side effects (e.g., high blood pressure, thinning bones).
People who have allergic asthma (especially children) may benefit from leukotriene modifiers, anti-IgE therapy, and allergen and pollutant avoidance.
A good treatment plan is one that helps you achieve the best level of control possible. If you’re unable to manage asthma symptoms with your current medications, your asthma control plan should be reviewed and adjusted if needed.
Despite current guidelines, a customized asthma control plan, and the range of available treatments, over half of patients with asthma continue to suffer from poor asthma control. This has a significant impact on their quality of life.
Several new, promising therapies may play a significant role as add-on therapy in people who have moderate to severe asthma. These may be a good option for individuals who are not responsive to existing medications like leukotriene modifiers or inhaled steroids.
Those looking for a natural approach to asthma control may benefit from a healthy lifestyle.
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